
Friday, April 1, 2011

Kickin' into overdrive... or something — Week 20 progress


Another fail this week. Fuck.

I think I finally figured out what I'm doing wrong, aside form enjoying weekly pizza and wings which I refuse to give up. ;)

On the site where I track my calories, the "level of activity" that I had specified is probably set to higher than it really is, therefore allowing me to consume more calories than I should. So, when I get close to my maximum for the day, I am probably over. I had it set to the second lowest because I took my workouts into account. I suspect that they're referring to your activity not including workouts. Looking back on my progress, it makes sense. When I was losing, my caloric intake was well below the max and I lost weight.

I fixed it and it reduced it by about 600 calories per day. That brings me into the same range as when I was losing.

I wish I had figured this out sooner.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

7/52 — Week 12

A slow week, but here goes.

Day 6 of my avocado seed. Not much change.

On March 21st, we got a somewhat freak snowstorm. It was all pretty much gone the next day.

On Saturday, we observed Earth Hour and turned off all our lights for an hour. My son was playing around with his flash light, so I got my camera out and snapped a dozen or so shots.

Some of our candles during Earth Hour.

My son goes back to reading for the rest of the hour.

I was looking for a new profile photo for Facebook and other social networking sites. This was my fav.

I needed a seventh photo to complete this week. This is a clock I made that hangs about my computer. :)

That's all for this week!


Another setback — Week 19 progress

Friday's weigh-in... not so good. Gained a pound or two. I'm confident I can lose it again. I did a real ass-kicking workout this afternoon in attempt to punish myself make up for it. :)

I'm still climbing the Your Shape Fitness Evolved leaderboard for the world standings.
(17 is my world rank)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's not about sharing what you had for lunch

Every once in a while I hear someone mention Twitter, and it usually goes like this:

Why do I care what someone ate for lunch?

I tell them that it's not about that and tell them about who I follow and why. I'm not sure what took them so long, but Twitter finally made a little promo video that pretty much sums it all up.

It really is worth checking out. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

7/52 — Week 11

The first photo this week is one that I took for a DailyShoot and ended up choosing another one. I think this one might actually be nicer. I didn't choose it because it had less green for the assignment.

I'm attempting to grow an avocado plant at work. This was day 1.

A DailyShoot assignment where my hand had to be in the photo. It was tricky to shoot. Holding and operating a camera with my left hand was not easy. :)

My sister got some new bridal gowns in her shop and asked me to shoot photos of them for her web site. My family and I visited the shop on Friday and her infant son was there. This is my wife holding him beside a large mirror so he could see himself. :)

My favourite dress from the shoot.

Shooting dresses on a mannequin involves a lot of waiting, while my sister and my wife change it... or her? 2-3 seconds to snap the shot, 3-5 minutes waiting. While I waited, I looked around and saw one of the mannequin's hands in the sunlight in the front window. I liked how the light fell on it, so I had to shoot it. I really like this one.

Grapes! I ate a lot of these today.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Another milestone reached — Week 18 progress

This morning I weighed 240 lbs. So now I'm 27 lbs down from what I was when I started.

That's a big milestone for me. Not because I lost 3 lbs since last week (that's great too!) but because every pound I lose from here on basically puts me at a weight I haven't been in about 25 years.

I also reached the #2 spot on the Your Shape Fitness Evolved leaderboard for Canada earlier this week. :)

I really need to go buy some new jeans.

Monday, March 14, 2011

7/52 — Week 10

I lost track of time, so my posting is a bit late. :)

Once again, I ended up short for photos this week. I decided to walk around my house and look for some of my favourite things to add to the shots. Not so creative in some cases. Anyway, here we go...

First, a DailyShoot contribution from earlier in the week. As it turns out, this is also one of my favourite things. I love this stuff.

Next, another DailyShoot contribution. Ice, in a glass of water. It didn't quite look the way I wanted, so I added a bit of a blue tint to it during the post processing.

What would a week be like without a shot of my cat. :) My son was holding her and I was trying to get a close-up of her eyes. She doesn't like cameras invading her space, so she kept looking away. This was one of the best I could do.

On to my favourite things. My Sens jersey. We won't talk about how the season went.

My Rock Band guitar. It's also an addiction.

I love my 100mm lens.

We'll end off with today's DailyShoot contribution.