My purchase finally arrived yesterday. The camera is smaller than I expected which makes it ideal for my purposes. The brackets it came with will make great plane mounts.
The software drivers came on a mini CD and installed without a hitch. The printed instructions were clearly translated from Chinese, and not too surprisingly, difficult to understand. On the CD was a batch file, Updata Time.bat, used for setting the device’s internal date and time. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. (That’s not a typo – that’s how it is spelled) :)
I searched the web and found a couple of different YouTube videos demonstrating how to set the date and time on this camera. None of them worked. First, it didn’t seem to recognize this TAG.txt file that the videos used. The file created by the batch file is named time.txt. The information being put into the file didn’t look quite right. I determined that it was parsing the date from my PC incorrectly, either because I’m running Windows 7 or because the region is set differently than a Chinese system. After some trial and error, I managed to fix the batch file so it inserted the date correctly, and in turn, was accepted by the camera.
If you have one of these cameras and the batch file isn’t working for you, the solution is really simple, and you don’t need to mess around with the batch file.
Open Windows Notepad (NOT WordPad) and enter the following information on a single line: hh:mm:ss. So, for example, if you were to use today’s date and time, it would be 2010.05.18 08:29:00. Note: the time format is 24 hour time. Save the file to your desktop as time.txt, plug your camera into the PC, copy the file to the camera, unplug the camera and turn it on. When you turn on the camera, it will read the date and time, set it, and remove the file on its own.
If you’re the type, like me, who wants to fix the batch file, this is the section you need to change:
set b=%date%Change it to the following:
set yy=%b:~0,4%
set zz=%b:~5,2%
set dd=%b:~8,2%
set xx=%b:~11,3%
set b=%date%If it still doesn’t work, you may need to add or change one of these lines:
set yy=%b:~10,4%
set zz=%b:~4,2%
set dd=%b:~7,2%
set xx=%b:~0,3%
if exist J:\DCIM copy time.txt J:\Change the “J:” to the drive letter that the camera appears as on your system.
That’s it, that’s all. I might throw together my own video and post it. In the meantime, I let the author of the linked video above know about this so if anyone contacts him, he can share the information.
I set the time correctly with the batch file in XP. I modified the batch file to provide information & to Confirm the tranfer to the Mini DV.
ReplyDelete@echo off
set a=%time%
set hh=%a:~0,2%
set mm=%a:~3,2%
set ss=%a:~6,2%
set cf=%a:~7,1%
set ff=%a:~6,1%
set b=%date%
set yy=%b:~10,4%
set zz=%b:~4,2%
set dd=%b:~7,2%
set xx=%b:~0,3%
if "%mm%"=="00" echo &cls
if "%hh%"==" 0" set hh=00
if "%hh%"==" 1" set hh=01
if "%hh%"==" 2" set hh=02
if "%hh%"==" 3" set hh=03
if "%hh%"==" 4" set hh=04
if "%hh%"==" 5" set hh=05
if "%hh%"==" 6" set hh=06
if "%hh%"==" 7" set hh=07
if "%hh%"==" 8" set hh=08
if "%hh%"==" 9" set hh=09
ECHO The Contents of yhe "Time.txt" File to be sent to the Mini DV is:
echo %yy%.%zz%.%dd% %hh%:%mm%:%ss%
if Not exist N:\DCIM ECHO Drive Does Not Exist.
ECHO Make sure it the Mini DV is connected and turned on.
if Not exist N:\DCIM GoTo Exit
echo %yy%.%zz%.%dd% %hh%:%mm%:%ss%>>time.txt
if exist N:\DCIM copy time.txt N:\
If Exist N:\Time.txt Echo The Time was Successfully Copied to the Mini DV
If Exist N:\Time.txt Echo The time will be updated the next time the camera is turned on and the "time.txt" file will be deleted.
ECHO To Exit
I wrote Batch file which I located on the MINI DV
ReplyDeleteas follows:
@echo off
REM This Batch File sends the Computers time and date to the "Mini DV".
REM It is not clear that all the "Mini DVs" use this scheme.
REM It should work with 2000 & XP & probably later.
REM This Batch file must be located in the root directory of the "Mimi DV"
REM Command extensions must be enabled. The default is enabled.
REM Leading Zeros are inserted in the AM times since they are not in %time%.
REM ---------- Get the Date & Times in the "Mini DV" format--------------------
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%1 in ("%Date%") do Set TheDate=%%4.%%2.%%3
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:. " %%1 in ("%Time%") do Set AMtime=0%%1:%%2:%%3
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:." %%1 in ("%Time%") do Set PMtime=%%1:%%2:%%3
If %Time:~0,1%*=="0" set TheTime=%PMtime%
If Not %Time:~0,1%*=="0" set TheTime=%AMtime%
REM ----------------- Send the Date & Time to the Mini DV----------------------
If Exist time.txt Del time.txt
if Not exist DCIM ECHO ERROR - The DCIM Directory Dows not Exist.
if Not exist DCIM GoTo Exit
ECHO The following time will be saved in the "time.txt" File.
ECHO %TheDate% %TheTime%
ECHO %TheDate% %TheTime%>time.txt
If Exist time.txt Echo The Time was Successfully Saved.
If Not Exist time.txt Echo The time was Not Copied to the Mini DV
If Not Exist time.txt Goto Exit
If Exist time.txt Echo The next time the camera is turned on:
Echo The time will be updated.
Echo The "time.txt" file will be deleted.
ECHO To Exit:
I goofed. in the prior comment, I inserted a batch file that I was using to debug instead of my final version.
ReplyDeleteBelow is the correct one but because it was just complerted, it has not been through extensive testing.
@echo off
REM This Batch File sends the Computers time and date to the "Mini DV".
REM It is not clear that all the "Mini DVs" use this scheme.
REM It should work with 2000 & XP & probably later.
REM This Batch file must be located in the root directory of the "Mimi DV"
REM Command extensions must be enabled. The default is enabled.
REM Leading Zeros are inserted in the AM times <10:00 since they are not in %time%.
REM ---------- Get the Date & Times in the "Mini DV" format--------------------
Set TheTime=%Time%
REM Set TheTime= 1:00:00:00
REM ECHO %TheTime%
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%1 in ("%Date%") do Set TheDate=%%4.%%2.%%3
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:. " %%1 in ("%TheTime%") do Set AMtime=0%%1:%%2:%%3
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:." %%1 in ("%TheTime%") do Set PMtime=%%1:%%2:%%3
Set/A Hour=%TheTime:~0,2%
If %Hour% LSS 10 Set DVtime=%AMtime%
If %Hour% GEQ 10 Set DVtime=%PMtime%
REM Echo DV Time = %DVtime%
REM ----------------- Send the Date & Time to the Mini DV----------------------
If Exist time.txt Del time.txt
if Not exist DCIM ECHO ERROR - The DCIM Directory Does not Exist.
if Not exist DCIM GoTo Exit
ECHO The following time will be saved in the "time.txt" File.
ECHO %TheDate% %DVtime%
ECHO %TheDate% %DVTime%>time.txt
If Exist time.txt Echo The time was Successfully Saved.
If Not Exist time.txt Echo The time was Not Copied to the Mini DV
If Not Exist time.txt Goto Exit
ECHO To update the time, EXIT quickly and then
ECHO turn the Mini DV "OFF" and "ON" quickly to minimize
ECHO the error due to the time elapsed prior to the update.
Echo The time will be updated.
Echo The "time.txt" file will be deleted.
You may wish to delete the messages in the batch file so it can be run more quickly.
thx very much. Your scripting seems to had resolved my issue with the time date.
DeleteThis was the answer I had been searching for.
OH Thanks you so much for writing this. It finally worked after trying so many different things. This script worked find on my M500 DV camera also with time and date.
DeleteThis method also works on those "gumstick" style mini dv cameras. Which, btw are grotesquely overpriced everywhere except on yahoo's HDE store where I got one for $20 - they are $100 and up most everywhere else.
ReplyDeleteThanks! It worked for my mini DV
ReplyDeleteThank you Scott. This was a big help! I am like you and wished to edit the batch file. I cannot read Chinese. Your suggestion worked perfectly! Awesome.
ReplyDeleteThank you. was very helpful...
ReplyDeleteAWESOME!!!!...So many "guides" on the net and none worked until I found this!!!! Thanks !!!
ReplyDeleteBig Thanks !!! I couldn't find any information for setting the date/time on my HDE mini DV H30 ("gumstick" style). This did the trick.
ReplyDeleteFINALLY!!! After a couple of days trying to find some help to set the date/time on my Mini DVR-600HI, also a "gumstick style", I got the solution using the "time.txt" file.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Scott!
This totally worked! Only difference was that my particular system required the file to be named "settime." I'd been working on this for two days now. Thanks a bunch!
ReplyDeleteim getting a different date format---20311124 using 2012.08.13 11:04:00 ( tt:tt:tt)
ReplyDeleteis posible you send me a copy of software cd to my email plz...
Hi Eduardo - I no longer have the CD that came with the camera, sorry.
ReplyDeleteJust an additional note....I tried for a while to get my camera's time to set correctly and nothing worked. My camera has a "VGA" and a "HD" setting. The camera would only accept the settime.txt file if the camera was set to the "VGA" mode. I suffered with it for a while.......Posting this here as this seems to be the best place to document this.....Thanks Scott!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the additional info!
DeleteAs you come near the top for me on Google I am replying here :-)
ReplyDeleteFor my miniDV the format required is:
2014/04/17 03:21:59
in a TAG.TXT file.
The batch that works is:
@echo off
REM This Batch File sends the Computers time and date to the "Mini DV".
REM It is not clear that all the "Mini DVs" use this scheme.
REM It should work with 2000 & XP & probably later.
REM This Batch file must be located in the root directory of the "Mimi DV"
REM Command extensions must be enabled. The default is enabled.
REM Leading Zeros are inserted in the AM times <10:00 since they are not in %time%.
REM ---------- Get the Date & Times in the "Mini DV" format--------------------
Set TheTime=%Time%
REM Set TheTime= 1:00:00:00
REM ECHO %TheTime%
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%1 in ("%Date%") do Set TheDate=%%3/%%2/%%1
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:. " %%1 in ("%TheTime%") do Set AMtime=0%%1:%%2:%%3
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=:." %%1 in ("%TheTime%") do Set PMtime=%%1:%%2:%%3
Set/A Hour=%TheTime:~0,2%
If %Hour% LSS 10 Set DVtime=%AMtime%
If %Hour% GEQ 10 Set DVtime=%PMtime%
REM Echo DV Time = %DVtime%
REM ----------------- Send the Date & Time to the Mini DV----------------------
if Not exist DCIM ECHO ERROR - The DCIM Directory Does not Exist.
if Not exist DCIM GoTo Exit
ECHO The following time will be saved in the "TAG.TXT" File.
ECHO %TheDate% %DVtime%
ECHO %TheDate% %DVTime%>TAG.TXT
If Exist TAG.TXT Echo The time was Successfully Saved.
If Not Exist TAG.TXT Echo The time was Not Copied to the Mini DV
If Not Exist TAG.TXT Goto Exit
ECHO To update the time, EXIT quickly and then
ECHO turn the Mini DV "OFF" and "ON" quickly to minimize
ECHO the error due to the time elapsed prior to the update.
Echo The time will be updated.
Echo The "TAG.TXT" file will be deleted.
Thanks Paul!
DeleteThank You. This fixed an issue on my F9/M500 Sport DV webcam.
ReplyDeleteAnd... how To erase The time Stamp?
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a way to disable it.
Deletethe newer m500 cams also use the time.bat file which outputs a jibberish version to time.txt the correct format for these is is "YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS"
ReplyDeletethe batch file titled "AnonymousJuly 24, 2010 at 9:14 AM" worked on my F9/M500 Sport DV webcam.
ReplyDeleteI had no problems with time, date and so on, and have even been using them (2) for about 2.5 weeks. Now, I hooked up one DV to the computer and it says it doesn't recognize it and the green light is permanently on. The other is fine and the light is not on all the time. I know its not the OS of my computer although it is a 10 and compatibility says 2000, XP, and so on. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't know what the problem could be other than a possible defective camera. I haven't used mine in a long time.
DeleteI have F9/M500 Sport DV cam .
DeleteI have this setting for TIME.BAT:
echo off
mode con cols=30 lines=2
set a=%time%
set hh=%a:~0,2%
set mm=%a:~3,2%
set ss=%a:~6,2%
set cf=%a:~7,1%
set ff=%a:~6,1%
set b=%date%
set yy=%b:~6,4%
set zz=%b:~3,2%
set dd=%b:~0,2%
set xx=%b:~0,3%
color %ff%%cf%
if "%mm%"=="00" echo error &cls
if "%hh%"==" 0" set hh=00
if "%hh%"==" 1" set hh=01
if "%hh%"==" 2" set hh=02
if "%hh%"==" 3" set hh=03
if "%hh%"==" 4" set hh=04
if "%hh%"==" 5" set hh=05
if "%hh%"==" 6" set hh=06
if "%hh%"==" 7" set hh=07
if "%hh%"==" 8" set hh=08
if "%hh%"==" 9" set hh=09
echo %yy%.%zz%.%dd% %hh%:%mm%:%ss%>>time.txt
SPORTDV.txt looks like:
0 ~ 12, def:6
1 ~ 200, def:100
1 ~ 200, def:100
White Balance(AWB)
0 ~ 3, def:0, 0(auto), 1(Daylight), 2(Cloudy), 3(Fluorescent)
1 ~ 200, def:100
0 ~ 2, def:1, 0:Max 1:Mid 2:Min
0 ~ 2, def:0, 0:High 1:Middle 2:Low
0 ~ 1, def:0, 0:60Hz 1:50Hz
0 ~ 2, def:0, 0:Average 1:Center 2:Spot
0 ~ 1, def:1, 0:Off 1:On
2012 - 2038, def:2016
01 - 12, def:1
01 - 31, def:1
00 - 23, def:0
01 - 59, def:0
01 - 59, def:0
And camera dos not works off line (??)
Any ideea?.
For SPORT DV camera how do I know what time format is correct?