My Dad in Scouts in Scotland (back row on the right):
I’m really not sure when this was taken; before I was born, I assume:
This is my sister, my Dad, and I, after we arrived in Canada in 1967. This is somewhere in Montreal, I think. No idea what kind of pose I’m doing or why:
Most of the photos I have of my Dad are really old ones, like those. We never were big on taking pictures. I have a few more recent ones, like when my Dad was my best man at my wedding in 1993. One day I’ll scan those in.
My Dad is no longer with us because he died of cancer in 1998.
Here’s some thought provoking stats from the Canadian Cancer Society:
- The number of new cancer cases will increase by approximately 60% over the next 20 years due to our aging and growing population.
- Cancer is the leading cause of premature death in Canada.
- Nearly 1 of every 2 men is expected to develop cancer during his lifetime and slightly more than 1 of every 3 women will develop cancer during her lifetime. Approximately 1 out of every 4 Canadians will die from cancer.
1 out of 4 will die from cancer.
Take a look around you and think about that for a minute. Ignoring it won’t make it go away.
No amount of money in the world will ever bring my Dad back, but every dollar that you donate to the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will go toward fighting this disease.
There’s about a week and a half left before the Relay for Life on June 18th and I am still $820 away from reaching the goal I set this year.
My 45th Birthday is on June 16th. It sure would be an awesome Birthday if I reached my goal by then.
Click. Give. Make a difference.
Yes, this is the last time I’ll ask for donations for this year.
To everyone who has taken the time to read this and my other posts on the topic, to everyone who shares these pleas on my behalf, and especially to everyone who has donated any amount toward my goal this year and the last two years – THANK YOU. You are making a difference.
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